Last updated: June 1st, 2020

Privacy Policy

Fishtail Technologies LLC (hereinafter “FT”, “we”, “us” or “our”) protects and respects the privacy and integrity of the totality of client data provided regardless of the individual’s role within the client organization or the individual’s role within the FT system. To ensure clarity we will use the term “personal data”, which aligns with the definition provided by the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (GDPR) ( This document explains our policy regarding the collection, use and disclosure of our client’s personal data and applies to each application, website or system that FT offers.

This document will be updated on a regular basis as we monitor changes in our code, data structures, architecture and all other aspects of the products we provide. FT will also review industry standards and global legislation as they are released, and make updates to this document as appropriate. Please, return to the FT policy page to ensure you are reviewing our most current Privacy Policy.

Global Compliance

FT ensures to all of its clients a steadfast commitment to adhering to all primary adopted privacy standards. We are committed to attaining and adhering to changes and additions in global policies as quickly as they are released for public consumption.

Personal Data Collected by FT

The data collected from each client’s institution is used solely for the purpose of executing the features and services defined within the FT Terms of Service. Personal Data collected is never used for marketing or sales purposes of any kind.

  • Client and User Choose in Data collected
  • FishTail Technologies provides a suggested data collection list and suggested methods for transfer, but also provides clients and individual users the ability to choose which pieces of data should and should not be collected. Restricting the data being collected can have adverse effects on the functionality of the FishTail Technologies software purchased. The following exhibits the minimum data collection requirements then shows a list of data pieces that can be ignored with details of functionality effects that may result due to the lack of data collection.

Why the Personal Data Must be Collected

For each piece of data collected from FishTail Technologies there is a functional reason behind the data’s collection.

Our Data Storage, Security and Access Approach

The following section details the way we collect and store your data, the security measures taken to protect your data and the processes available for clients to access their data.

  • AWS Environment and Policy Details
  • All elements of FishTail Technologies software are housed within Amazon Web Services architecture within the United States. The following provide details of how your data resides within the AWS structure, as well as, the measures taken to ensure client’s data integrity, security and privacy.

The FishTail Technologies’ Data Transfer Process

FishTail Technologies’ commitment to your data privacy is exhibited in the care we take in transferring your data. The following section will detail each type of collection point and display the workflow used to save, process and use the data.

Map of data transfer for each collection type
  • User triggered through User Interface (UI)
  • The following actions within the UI will result in data collection. Each trigger is paired with a description of the process the data undergoes until the data resolves in its final storage location or reaches a point where it awaits another process in the system.

  • Client Administrator bulk transfer
  • At times, it may be the client’s desire to load a large amount of data in one orchestrated exercise. This typically occurs during pilot, or initial set up. This may also occur when an additional organization, college or department of relevant size joins the overall usage of the FishTail Technologies product.

  • Scheduled Automated Batch Loads
  • FishTail Technologies offers flexibility to clients in their preferred method of ongoing data collection. One options is to coordinate a nightly automated feed from the client’s system to the FishTail Technologies data store.

How FishTail Technologies Software Use Cookies

Like most web applications, FishTail Technologies uses cookies to store public session data to ease access, improve usability and ensure data integrity. The following displays all data that employs cookies and lists potential third parties involved in making secure access control connections between systems.

Communication Methods Used for Policy Updates

FishTail Technologies is committed to keeping our clients informed well in advance of any changes to policy around your data.